
My newest painting. I got some new paints and they are Kisshou Gansai Japanese watercolor paints, which are a little different from other country versions. Interesting article if you're interested: What is Gansai? 


Anyways, I had to test my new watercolors out, of course, so here is what I come up with. I titled it "Alone" Painting, drawing, coloring and many other forms of expression are healthy ways to get out your feelings. I guess you could look at the title and painting and interpret how it relates to you. To me, it has a meaning that even if you are surrounded by bright colors (or good friends/people), you can personally be covered in darkness (sadness/depression) and feel all alone. The "Alone while in a crowd" feeling. Also, I just really like galaxies and silhouettes.


I also used black and white gouache to get the darkest color and the white of the stars.



Here are my paints, if you're curious. Pen for size reference.





Number 12 is white, so you can't see it in the photo. Number 23 is grey, so also hard to see here.

My set was missing number 70 and instead I got number 52 (which wasn't supposed to be in the set.) 70 looks like a pearlescent gold shade. I want it, but I won't be petty. Haha