Adultolescence by Gabbie Hanna

My review today is on a book of poetry written by Gabbie Hanna. She is most known for her YouTube channel The Gabbie Show.
However, I am disappointed to say that her book was not my cup of tea.
I got this through Netgally in exchange for a review. I had to stop after about half the poems. I will admit, I do not know much about poetry. I feel bad putting a low rating on something that is the author's feelings, but personally I felt it was badly written and just odd. It seemed childish, which I guess fits the theme of the book and title.
The poems are personal to Gabbie and I feel like they will resonate with some people; just not me.
I don't know much about her, but she genuinely seems like a nice person. She is trying to be funny in the book, even with her more depressing poems and it didn't work for me. However, I do think she can be funny. I've seen some of her videos randomly while going on a YouTube binge, as a person is want to do when it is late at night and they can't sleep.
As a side note, I do want to add that I have listened to the song "Out Loud" that she wrote that is based from this book, and I give the song a 5 star rating. (If you were to rate songs) I really like it! I think I could like her book a lot more if I just understood her poetry more. I've watched more of her videos and I really like her as a person.
I have chose not to give this a rating as I feel it is not fair since I did not read the whole thing.